Charolais Charbray International Virtual Show 2021 Rules
There will be three divisions in the show: Full French, Purebred and Charbray.
All entries in any Division must be registered in their home country.
All entries including calf at side must be registered in the home herd book. Any entries remaining pending registration upon submission will be removed.
Animals must be owned by the exhibitor at time of entry.
All entries may be subject to further inspection by respective country officials.
Entry fee: $100 Canadian/entry. (plus GST to Canadian entries only) Entry fees are non-refundable and must be paid at time of entry by Visa or MasterCard.
Entries must be submitted within 2 weeks from when the videos, photo and weight are taken, to be placed in the appropriate age category. Entries will be accepted no later than November 30, 2021.
The entry system opens March 1, 2021. Each entry shall include:
the animal’s name, owner’s name and country
the animal’s weight at time of entry
video of the animal per specifications of the sample video and must not exceed one minute in length
A still profile picture of the animal per specification of the sample
a link to the registration paper in the home herd book
An 8.5 x 11 inch PDF advertisement for the breeder. A breeder may use the same ad for all their entries or a different one for each.
If a calf is shown at the side of its dam, weight and registration link for the calf must also be provided. The calf shall not exceed 9 months of age at time of entry.
There is no limit on the number of entries per exhibitor.
Substitutions after entry deadline are not allowed.
All exhibitors must be in good standing with their respective association.
Qualification for Divisions (Full French, Purebred and Charbray) – The virtual show will follow the guidelines for the country of origin of each animal, as they are listed on their registration paper.
Classes at the time of entry: There will be five classes in each Division:
under 12 months
12-18 months
18-24 months
24-36 months
over 36 months for Bulls and Females
Females over 24 months of age may be shown with calf
Splitting of Classes: Classes will be split as warranted by number of animals entered.
Each division will be judged by three judges, from around the world, who will not be named until judging is complete.
As the Statutes of Charolais Charbray International state the official language to be used at all events is English, we encourage all advertisements be displayed in English. Assistance with translation is available from the registrar.
PHOTO AND VIDEO REQUIREMENTS: (Click here for demo video)
This is a haltered show therefore all animals must be pictured and videoed on halter.
A side profile photo (on halter) of the entry must be included with each entry. The photo must be taken horizontally. The photo will be used for the show book and results only and will not be judged. Click here for a sample photo
Only 1 video can be uploaded per entry. Animals will be judged by video.
Photo, video and weight must be taken the same day and submitted within 2 weeks. Animals will be judged in the age class at time of photo and video, not at time of judging.
No altering of photos allowed.
YouTube video link must be included with each entry. Click here for "How to Upload Video"
No altering of videos allowed. No overlays allowed.
No talking or music is permitted in the submitted video.
No previous awards, banners, prizes, etc. can be in the background of the video or photo.
All videos must be recorded horizontally and be between 45-60 seconds.
Begin each video with the tattoo of the entry clearly written on an 8.5 x 11 inch paper.
The video should be labelled with the name of the animal being entered. In the case of a cow/calf pair, use only the cow's name.
All animals must be shown at a walk and set up.
All views and angles of the animal must be shown. Video completely around the animal after set-up.
Animals must be clean and show ring presentable.
The focus should be on the animal, not the exhibitor.
Appropriate show attire must be worn.
Thank you to our virtual show sponsors:

Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Limited
David-Rairdan International
-Grand Champion Purebred Female
-Reserve Grand Champion Purebred Female

Australian Charolais Society
-People's Choice Female Champion
-Reserve Grand Champion Purebred Bull

Charolais Charbray Herdbook of Mexico
-Grand Champion Full French Bull
-Grand Champion Charbray Bull
-Grand Champion Purebred Bull

Herd Book Charolais - France
-Grand Champion Full French Female
-Reserve Grand Champion Full French Bull

American International Charolais Association
-Grand Champion Charbray Female
-Reserve Grand Champion Charbray Female
-Reserve Grand Champion Charbray Bull

Canadian Charolais Association
-Reserve Grand Champion Full French Female
-People's Choice Champion Bull